Step 1. Pick up the sound… Roger Select is a versatile microphone ideal for stationary situations where background noise is present such as restaurants, meetings, and lectures. It is also able to connect via Bluetooth and is therefore most recommended for older teenagers and adults and comes with a 12 month warranty.
Step 2. Hear the sound… The Roger Focus II is a discreet and highly comfortable behind-the-ear listening device. When coupled with a microphone the Roger Focus allows your child to listen through background noise and clearly hear the voice of the person wearing the microphone.
Focus on performance
Speech recognition in noise is significantly improved for children with UHL, ASD and APD when using Phonak remote microphone technology, like Roger Focus II (compared to no technology).
Focus on personalised choice
Roger Focus II comes in a rechargeable model with 10 colour options, and a 312 Zinc Air model (Roger Focus II-312) with 2 colour options. Both models are compatible with SDS 4.0, including the 00-size SlimTube, making it suitable even for very small ears.
Focus on safety
Volume can be set to suit individual needs, and then locked to ensure curious fingers don’t change the settings. Keeping batteries out of a child’s mouth is achieved via a tamperproof battery door. The tamperproof door is delivered with every Roger Focus II-312 (and can be mounted for those who need it). There is no battery door on the rechargeable Roger Focus II. An IP68* rating means that both models are reliable and robust enough for when life gets a bit wet.
Focus on compatibility
Compatible with all Roger microphones, and easily used alongside other technology — both inside and outside the classroom. Roger Focus II boasts a one-click connection to the Roger microphone and easily switches between paired microphones without needing to reconnect.
*A Roger Focus II will not work by itself and is not designed for children or adults that have a permanent hearing loss. It is always recommended that a hearing assessment with an Audiologist is carried out prior to the purchase of a Roger listening system.